Monday, 7 April 2014

Last day...

Another interesting and tiring day!! (Mentally/physically/emotionally...)


After checking out at 08:00, we headed to the Reichstag on the S-Bahn. The glass dome (cause of a lot of controversy) is really not that ugly an appendage and fits in quite nicely with the architecture. Although you may of course judge that for yourself...

We walked up the walkway, right to the top of the done, learning about thecurrent  German government, seeing the city all the while...

RE the mirrors ... there are 360 of then and they reflect sunlight to help generate the energy required to light the plenary hall... interesting!

You have already seen the group photo, hopefully. We then headed to the German Historical Museum, stopping first at a memorial site to all those killed trying to get over the Berlin Wall.

The memorial to the homosexuals (not even considered until 1969, until which homosexuality was still illegal) is a grey stone box (or prison if you like). You can look through a hole inside to see a screen, where images of men/women kissing each other are displayed to show that love is universal.

This is the Holocaust memorial site. We came up with at least five different interpretations, so I'll let you come up with your own ideas.

Finally, the German Historical Museum, where we recapped the Weimar Period. It was particularly interesting to see a replica of the Versailles treaty... clause 228 is shown here. A page turn away from the dreaded War Guilt Clause - arguably the most unpopular term of the treaty for German citizens.

... but like the Jewish Museum it practically demands a return visit.

We then had an hour and a half's free time in town, in which very little was accomplished.

We're off home now. Will update en route. Auf wiedersehen!!

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