Wednesday, 19 December 2012

History Examinations in January

Important dates for students taking examinations in January

AS Level (Resits)
F982 Russia - Historical Explanation - Wednesday 16th January 2013 PM (afternoon)
F983 British Radicalism - Using Historical Evidence - Tuesday 22nd January 2013 AM (morning)

Life in Germany Module - Wednesday 23rd January 2013 AM (morning)

TBSHS History Twitter Feed

You can now join the TBSHS History Twitter feed which will automatically let you know when any new posts are added to this blog! Join @tbshshistory

Russia Trip Parent Information Evening

The Russia Trip Information Evening will take place on Thursday 17th January 2013 in the school hall. It will start at 7.00pm. All parents and students are invited to come along to find out more about the trip!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Year 13 - China, Opium and Gunboat Diplomacy

An interesting documentary and article available via the BBC looking at the Opium Wars - useful for an understanding of the role of Informal Empire;

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Advance Notice of Guest Speaker!

I am delighted to announce that Dr Sarah Stockwell from Kings College, London will be visiting the school on 19th March 2013. She will be speaking about Different Interpretations of the Collapse of the British Empire. Compulsory attendance for all Y13 Historians and highly recommended for all A level and future A level students! More details in the New Year!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Y11-13 Young Historian Podcast Competition

If anyone is interested in entering a "Young Historian Podcast Competition", in which you have to produce a 3 minute broadcast on your own personal "History Hero", see the link for details:

Would be an excellent thing to put on CV/UCAS forms in the future!!

See Mr Dickens for further information!

Monday, 3 December 2012

Year 12 Historians - Useful Documentaries

Two excellent radio broadcasts which are highly relevant to your British History course;

In Our Time - The Peterloo Massacre 1819

In Our Time - The Great Reform Act 1832

High recommended listening!

Revision Sessions

Reminder about this weeks revision sessions;

AS/A2: Wednesday 3.45pm - British Radicalism AS Source Paper (Rm 3)

GCSE: Friday 1.20pm - Germany 1918-1945

Anyone sitting exams in January is encouraged to come along!