TBSHS History
Saturday, 4 April 2015
An evening walk around the Jewish quarter
The German Resistance Museum
The Olympic Stadium
Friday, 3 April 2015
Plotzensee Memorial Prison
Thursday, 2 April 2015
Our first day in Berlin!
Saturday, 21 February 2015
Final Day
Today was our last day in Russia, and all of us really didn't want to leave.
We began by visiting the Peter and Paul Fortress, which was built by Peter I, to protect the city. We got to see the resting places of past Tsars, as well as the burial room of Nicholas II and his family. We then got to go to the Prison on the island, where political prisoners were held up till 1917, we saw Trotsky's cell, as well as many other radical revolutionaries.
After this, we drove out of the city and went to the Tsarskoye Selo, which is the Tsar's village outside the city, where they spent their summers. We just walked around all the huge palaces, and frantically tried to remain on our feet without falling on the ever so icy ground.
It was then a mad dash to get lunch in 20 minutes, so KFC and Mcdonalds were pretty common purchases. We then headed towards the airport to fly back home.
After arriving to warmer England, we were all already badly missing Russia. But we cheered up when awards and anecdotes about the trip where given out, on the bus journey home. Some of the best included best fall of the trip to George Cook, as well as him also winning the Rasputin Love Award, for being chatted up by some Russian women.
Leila Sabatti also won for her incredible puns of the trip, including Where does Nicholas II go to get his coffee? tsarbucks.
As well as Ben Pryor winning the Cult of Personality award, for beginning the standing ovation at the Ballet, before the show had even ended. Also Harry Ruffles winning the Social-realism award, for looking exactly like one of the paintings on the metro tour earlier this week.
Many more people won for countless awards, and it just reminded us all for how amazing the trip was.
On behalf of us all, I would like to thank Mr Dickens, Dr Cokewoods and Mrs Harris for helping to organise the trip, and having to put up with us all for a whole week. Without your speeches, historical insights and general greatness, the week in Russia wouldn't have been the same. Thank you!
Overall it has been one of the amazing school trips, and I just wish I could go again.
See you soon!
Daisy :)